From virtual tracks to real applications: AI advances in video games

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From virtual tracks to real applications: AI advances in video games

Post by Civilization »

From virtual tracks to real applications: AI advances in video games ... games/news

Artificial intelligence – or AI – has been around in video games since almost their very inception. However, the time has also come for a leap for AI-controlled agents, which is what the video game Gran Turismo boasts.

Speed around a French village in Gran Turismo, and you might spot a Corvette behind you trying to catch your slipstream. Using the draft of an opponent’s racecar to speed up and overtake them is favored by skilled players of PlayStation’s realistic racing game.

However, this Corvette driver is not being controlled by a human – it’s GT Sophy, a powerful artificial intelligence agent built by PlayStation maker Sony.

Gran Turismo players have been competing against computer-generated racecars since the franchise launched in the 1990s. Still, the new AI driver unleashed last week on Gran Turismo 7 is more intelligent and faster because it’s been trained using the latest AI methods.

“Gran Turismo had a built-in AI existing from the beginning of the game, but it has a very narrow band of performance, and it isn’t perfect,” said Michael Spranger, chief operating officer of Sony AI. “It’s very predictable. But, once you reach a certain level, it doesn’t entice you anymore.”

But now, he said, “this AI is going to put up a fight.”
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Re: From virtual tracks to real applications: AI advances in video games

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