How accessible are EV charging stations across Canada?

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How accessible are EV charging stations across Canada?

Post by Sky » ... -1.6451121

How much does it cost to operate an EV vs. gas vehicle?

According to a 2022 analysis of the total ownership costs of popular car models by Clean Energy Canada, the cost of every EV analyzed was lower — often much lower — than the cost of its gas equivalent, with only one exception.

An average EV will cost up to $5 to $12 to go from empty to full in Canada, said Joanna Kyriazis, clean transportation program manager at Clean Energy Canada.

Gas prices hit record highs across the country

"You're looking at about $16 to go 100 kilometres [on gas] ... where an electric vehicle uses about 20 kilowatt [hours] of energy to do the same," said David Giles, EV technical specialist and founder of All EV Canada, a Canadian EV experts group.

To move an EV 100 kilometres, he said, the price would be closer to $2.

Most EVs tend to have lower maintenance costs, in part because they have fewer moving parts than a traditional combustion engine. That means they don't require oil changes to keep those moving parts lubricated.

EV parts also require replacements less often. A standard battery pack lasts for about five to eight years.

However, when EVs do require repairs, it could be higher than conventional repair costs.
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Re: How accessible are EV charging stations across Canada?

Post by AncientSword »

"To move an EV for 100km is about $2" - This sure sounds good. For the fuel part, it certainly seems cheaper. It really compares to $16 on gas. Pretty amazing.
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